Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Migraine remedies

There are a great number of migraine remedies. Nowadays this disease is investigated and a lot of different recommendations about reducing its symptoms exist. Migraine remedies may include medication of course, but a numerous quantity of home remedies for migraines is known. Among herbal remedies for this disease which may be used by sufferers at home it is possible to distinguish such items as grapes, niacin, cabbage leaves, lemon crust and vegetable juices.

One of the most common and rather effective migraine home remedies is considered juice of ripe grapes. It should be drunk without any water adding.
Such products as yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver and fish are natural resources of such an important substance in the person’s organism as niacin. Consumption of these products helps in relieving from the pain which is caused by migraine.
It is possible to use cabbage leaf compress as migraine remedies. To make it you will need leaves of fresh cabbage and a piece of clean cloth. Crushed cabbage leaves should be placed on a cloth. Then apply this compress on the forehead and relax. It may take an extended period of time for using this compress. When you notice that leaves dry out it is necessary to change them with the fresh ones.
Home treatment of this disease may be possible with such migraine remedies as lemon crust. The crust of this citrus should be grinded and applied on the forehead or temples. A lot of people noticed that this cure is very effective.
Vegetable juices show themselves as effective migraine remedies. Among the most popular vegetables which are used for this purpose it is possible to list spinach, beet, cucumber and carrot. For example, it is helpful to drink such cocktail: 200 ml of spinach juice and 300 ml of carrot juice which are mixed with each other. The other sample of vegetable mixture from beet juice, cucumber juice and carrot juice in a ratio 1:1:3 respectively.
Along with the listened above natural remedies for migraines it is possible to admit that fasting on orange juice and water may be very helpful as it helps to clean the individual’s organism from toxins which in their turn may cause severe headaches. Fast may last 2 – 3 days. If you have some restrictions about oranges it is possible to use juices of carrot, celery or cucumber instead of the citrus.
Also it is important not only to take some useful food and drinks, but also to avoid some harmful products. This will help you to decrease the number of migraine attacks. Among products from the “group of risk” it is possible to distinguish white flour products, sugar, confectionery, rich cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, greasy foods, tinned or preserved foods, pickles, condiments and sauces.
Well-balanced diet may include seeds, nuts, grains, of course fruits and vegetables. Also it is possible to add milk, yoghurt, buttermilk, vegetable oils, and honey. You may use this diet during 2 – 3 days each month. It will help your organism to keep clean and struggle with the disease, as the result the number of migraine attacks will be decreased.
An essential part of daily nutrition is liquid. Pure water in an adequate quantity will also be helpful under the condition of migraine. Among other migraine remedies it is possible to distinguish hot bath, cold compresses which should be applied on the forehead, walking in the fresh air, physical exercising. Aromatherapy which use peppermint, sandalwood, basil, lavender, eucalyptus, and rosemary essential oils, deep breathing and relaxation, hot and cold contrast showers, reflexology, chiropractic and acupressure are considered to be alternative migraine remedies which show their effectiveness. 

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